PHPS offers after-school programs for our students each semester. If you would like to register your child for any of the Spring 2025 programs click on the link below.
PHPS provides two after school options for its students. These options may be combined any day of the school week. Last pickup time for all programs is 4:15pm. Registration is for the ENTIRE SEMESTER (Jan-May).
- After School Enrichment: This option is where you select a specific After School Enrichment program in which your child will participate for 1 hour after school is out. PHPS teachers offer After School Enrichment programs to our students.
- Aftercare: This option is where students will be monitored by a staff member from the end of their school day until a pre-determined pickup time. Aftercare is available M-F in 30, 60, or 90 minute increments. Drop-in Aftercare is not available.
If you would like to register your child for After School Enrichments, Aftercare, or a combination of these programs, please complete this form and make your online payment by 5pm on Sunday, January 5th.
- Registration and payment is taken for the entire semester only (no pro-rating)
- Please submit a separate form for each child
- Registration deadline is 5pm on Sunday, January 5th
- ONLY Aftercare will be available the January 7th-10th
- Enrichment programs will begin the week of January 13th
- No offerings on 1/20, 2/14, 2/17, 2/27, 3/14, 3/17-3/21, 3/24, 4/18, 4/21, 5/2 and 5/15
- All programs end Friday, May 16th
- No programs the week of May 19th
Click Here to Register for Afterschool Enrichment or Aftercare
Chess Club (2nd– 6th)
The North Texas Chess Academy will be partnering with PHPS to provide a fun, exciting and challenging semester of chess for your child. The NTCA continues to be the innovator within the chess community. Whether your child is brand new to chess or is a chess expert, he/she will be engaged by the NTCA’s experienced coaches. Classes will include strategy, tactics, current events, and more.
Craft Club (4th-6th)
Let’s get crafty! Your student will design and make different crafts throughout the semester using wood, paints, fabric, and other materials. There is an additional $20 supply fee for the semester. Students should bring a snack and a water bottle.
Crochet Club (4th-6th)
Do you want a creative outlet for your child after school? If so, register for Ms. Lorrene’s after school Crochet Club! Crocheting is now popular with all age groups and is a wonderful hobby which offers endless possibilities. Students will learn basic crocheting skills and make a special gift. Students will need to bring a crochet hook and yarn. A snack will be provided.
Fun Zone (1st-5th)
Join Coach Rosen for an exciting afternoon of Fun Zone! This after school program provides wonderful opportunities for releasing energy and recreation. Students learn team-building and kinesthetic skills through a variety of games including sports and creative movement. This program will offer lots of exercise and fun for your child! Students will meet in the gym and be provided a snack.
Homework Club (1st-6th)
Homework Club is an extra hour after school which offers additional support for students who benefit from a quiet, structured environment to complete their homework. Do the distractions from siblings, pets, and television make it difficult for your child to get his or her work done? If so, this is the perfect program for your child! He/she can bring a snack and get right to work after school, allowing him or her to relax and unwind when he/she gets home. Teachers will be in the room to help get kids started and answer questions as needed. Please note this is not tutoring, but rather an opportunity for your child to have a teacher be present to guide, assist and explain homework for your student.
Minecraft (1st-6th)
Join Mr. Green for this opportunity where students can play Minecraft with their classmates while learning to problem solve, work on communication skills, and work as a team. Students must bring an iPad with Minecraft already installed. A snack will be provided.