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Parent Background Check

In support of our Safety and Security Policies, all PHPS parents must have a background check on file with the school at the beginning of each school year. 

Volunteers, please note: If you plan to volunteer on campus or for field trips, as a requirement of our insurance company, you must have your background check on file before the date of volunteering. We depend on parent volunteers and know you are an invaluable and essential part of the success and efficient operation of our school. We are so grateful that you are willing to give your time in support of the students and our great school! Please know that any policy implemented is done with the best interests of our students at the forefront.

The required background check would apply to the following:

1. Field trip drivers/chaperones
2. Drivers for sports events
3. Lunch servers
4. AR store volunteers
5. Room parents and classroom parties

The school will cover the background check cost, and we sincerely appreciate your cooperation and understanding of the need for this policy revision.  You may go to the link below to complete the form: 

Bib Secure Volunteer

Once you click on the link, you will have to choose a Background Screen Type.  Field Trip Driver will have additional checks on your driving record.  If you will not be driving students, then you will select Standard Volunteer (lunch servers, AR store, room parents, etc).  The other option is outside specialists, but that is for our therapists that access our building.  Feel free to contact Julie Bonahoom at our business office at if you have any questions.

PHPS Campus Upda