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Curriculum Enrichments

Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum

  • Adapted from the RULER program (an evidence-based systematic approach to social and emotional learning) that focuses on the 5 steps necessary to understand emotions 
  • Helps students recognize their emotions and develop appropriate responses 

Executive Functioning Program 

  • School-wide program dedicated to helping students understand the importance of executive function in regulating behavior and emotion, organizing, planning, and completing tasks

Study/Organizational Skills 

  • Starting in 1st-grade students are taught to use weekly schedules, homework planners, and binders to assist with organizational skills

Accelerated Reader Program

  • Grades 1-6 participate in the Accelerated Reader program. Through the use of awards and rewards, students are motivated to read, thus improving comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and test scores

Chapel and Service Learning:

  • Chapel services are held once per week. The service is very inclusive and focuses on character and moral development. Parents are welcome to attend.
  • Service learning is embedded within the classroom curriculum. Community service projects have included toy drives, coat drives, and canned food drives. 


Art - Each grade attends art 1x/week

Motor Lab - K-2 attends fine motor lab 2-4x/wk

Music - Each grade attends music 2x/wk

PE - K-3 attends 3x/wk and 4-6 attends 2x/wk

Tech Lab - K-6 attends 2x/wk

Recess - K-6 daily recess